Robbie Hucker, Remedial Massage Therapist

Robbie is a popular hands-on Remedial Massage therapist who has competed at an International Elite level in both mountain bike and road cycling. His experience in elite sports performance gives his treatments the winning edge!

Robbie’s passion is to bring better mobility, function & performance to his patients.

With a background in elite sport, Robbie has a wide range of knowledge on movement and the human body.

Robbie completed his Diploma of Remedial Massage in Bendigo at Evolve College and undertook further training in Dry Needling & Myofascial Cupping.

Robbie is currently undertaking further studies with the CHEK Institute (Corrective, Holistic, Exercise, Kinesiology Systems).

Robbie has a holistic approach to health and wellbeing and believes in looking at all aspects of someone’s lifestyle to achieve their best results.

Qualifications and Memberships
Diploma of Remedial Massage (Evolve College)
Level 1 Cycling Coach
Member Massage & Myotherapy Association